This Lavender Gin Cocktail is made with Empress 1908 gin and lemon juice which gives it its beautiful pink color. It's simple, easy, and refreshing!
- Handful of ice
- 2 oz Empress 1908 gin*
- 1 oz lavender syrup
- 1-2 dashes lavender bitters
- Sparkling water
- 1 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
- Lemon slice for garnish (optional)
- Add gin, lavender syrup, and lavender bitters to a cocktail shaker.
- Add a handful of ice.
- Shake the cocktail vigorously for a few seconds until very cool to touch.
- Fill a tall glass with ice and pour the cocktail over the ice.
- Top up the drink with sparkling water but leave 1-2 inches of room.
- Slowly pour the lemon juice on top and garnish with a lemon slice.
- Serve with a straw and stir to mix everything before enjoying. The cocktail will slowly turn purple and pink as it mixes.
*Empress 1908 gin has a bright blue color that turns purple and pink when acid is added (lemon juice). If you don’t have it, you can use your favorite gin and a small pinch of butterfly pea flower powder to achieve the same effect.